Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Wednesday Love: Back to school

Phew! School started yesterday and I was more than ready for the girls to go back to school. The bickering had gradually been increasing every day. The boy starts school next week too which means it is all change for me. After 8 year of full time babies and preschoolers, it will be a bit of a shock to the system. I am all geared up to go "back to school" myself though with a stack of books and some online classes I am going to be working through.


  1. ooo go on, spread the news, what classes are you doing? :-)

    1. There's quite a wide selection Diane! I need to catch up with ones I've signed up for over the past year including typography, textile design, bracelets, sketching and scrapbooking too. I've been thinking of scrapbooking along with Learn Something New Every Day over on I think that lot will keep me busy!
