Thursday, 22 July 2010

Rainy Day

I wanted to get the girls outside today to take some pictures in the rain and it started raining really heavily during teatime. Sure enough by the time they had finished and we'd got coats and wellies on the rain had almost gone. Still, I had a go at taking some pictures with the prompts from Shimelle's photography class from this week in mind.

One of the prompts this week challenged us to take photos outside our comfort zone. I usually take pictures of people, so I looked for some non-people subjects. I'm so pleased with this raindrop photo as the out of focus background can be seen upside down inside the raindrop.

The step-by-step technique from last weekend encouraged us to try adding textures to our photos. I've never even thought of this before and I really like the effect. I found a droplet texture on Flickr ( found here) and had a go at applying it to the photo.

