With all the magazine projects and workshops that I've been doing lately I decided to treat myself to a few new things. I am not a fan of shopping (unless it's craft shopping or course), and I particularly don't enjoy shoe shopping much. I think I'm too practical as I do stop and look at beautiful shoes, but I can't imagine when I would wear them so never buy them. I found these boots after a chat with a friend and they are from Josef Seigel and they were in their online half price sale (hurray again!). The colour is interesting and I really like the stitched detail so they appeal to the practical me and the decorative me.
I have never coveted a tea towel before until I saw this one in the Emma Bridgwater catalogue before Christmas. I thought I had dropped enough hints before Christmas but I didn't find one wrapped up under the tree, so I was very pleased to find it in their January sale (can you tell I'm a bit of a bargain hunter). I haven't used it to dry dishes yet. Will I? I'm not sure yet. I like it so much I could almost frame it.
My ultimate sale bargain this year was a new duvet cover from the beautiful shop Anthropologie. I get their catalogue in the post every now and again but the prices are so out of my league that I usually just look at the very pretty and stylish pictures for inspiration. I was so excited to find one of their patchwork duvet covers for £25... reduced from £278!
My friend has the exact same boots and swears by them-so comfy and they look fab!Good luck with the writing!