Last week I embarked on a new project - another big quilt. As the evenings are getting darker I love to have a sewing project on the go. Last winter is was knitting, but I got a bit knitted out and the girls' jumpers are still too big for them so I've started a long overdue quilt for some lovely friends of mine. It has a green theme and it's a pattern called "St Marks" from Kaffe Fassett's new book "Simple Shapes, Spectacular Quilts". I going to be making green diamonds for quite a while.

A couple of years ago we went to see an exhibition called "Blue and White" in Bath which principally featured the work of
Kaffe Fassett and
Candace Bahouth. I walked in and said "This is what I want to do!" I'm still a LONG way off.
Kaffe is a huge inspiration for me . I love how he works with knitting, patchwork, painting, tapestry and mosaic. I went to hear him talk a few years ago and I remember what he said about colours "If you are in doubt about the colours you're using, add five more". Here's someone I can relate to!
I can't work in only one medium - scrapbooking OR patchwork OR knitting OR Fimo OR stained glass OR mosaic. I'm only happy when those ORs become ANDs.
Check back in a couple of years and I'll have a finished quilt to show you - don't worry I will be working and posting on other things before then :)